Reasons Why Blog Traffic Hard Up? It's been three months of this blog stand with dotcom domain. This blog should have been able to obtain very high statistics. If I see or look at other people's blogs, in a month they've been able to create a blog with a fairly Statistically or high traffic. I'm sure they will try very hard to be like that.
Then why this blog traffic is hard to ride?
After the investigation and search for information here and there, one of this blog is one of the factors that cause difficulty rising traffic blogs, which often change the blog template. We do know the main factor of course because rarely post updates, maybe some people will find it updates too often not very influential, there is no update but traffic suddenly jumped up. Also my first ever menglamai it, but it was not our first results of the new update can be felt now?
Okay, pivotal update. Then why change the template causes difficulty blog traffic up?
I do not really know the exact reason. from the info I got, probably because when I change the template of this blog, the settings on the display of this blog will always be changing, especially I often change the template, from 6 months to up to 4x change the template. Selalin, when changing any template, or SEO meta tag on my blog changes. Placement H2 or H3 and sebagainyapun be different again when changing the template.
This blog used to have its own template, I asked my friend Anita to help make a special template for this blog, complete with Heading placement is good and right, it seems like all neat. But, over time I also want something new then digantilah templates with others. Of it was I forgot, it is not yet installed the new template meta tags, headings placement did not know its true or not. However, my plan will replace the template again for the last time (maybe) from the results of my own made. I want to try to create your own templates that blogging later with the desired look can be more spirit.
Semoga, nanti trafik blog ini bisa lebih meningkat lagi setelah ganti template lagi nanti.
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