
Saturday, May 4, 2013


NTELLECTUAL EDUCATION "Intellectual Education" | Science is an important provision for the life of every human being. Therefore, each parent is responsible for the education of the mind of the child - children, so that children - children have adequate provision for science facilities later life. Useful knowledge, will give us the reward is not broken, even though we have gone.'If the son of Adam dies then gave up all his credit except three: sadaqah jariyah, useful knowledge, and a righteous child who prays always it' (Muslim)It - it is the duty of parents in the education of the intellectual among others as follows:
Teaching and Educating obligationsIn a hadith, the Prophet SAW said 'From Abu Rafi' ra, has said; has said the Prophet Muhammad, obligations of parents towards their children is to teach literacy, teaching swimming and archery, do not give him good luck but good luck that good 'When parents do the teaching and education to the children it means parents showed anakn about the truth, and invite children to be obedient to God. 'He who shows kindness, he berharao sebagaiman reward reward those who do so'. (Transmitted by Muslim)

At the time of teaching to children, parents haris pay attention to - the following:

1. Teaching activities should be guided by the principle of 'maintaining the principle of the child of nature'    (Al-Muhaafadzah)
2. Conducted education efforts should be made to 'develop the potential of children' (At-Tanmiyyah)
3. Conducted education must be 'direct' (At-taujih)
Education should be done in 'incremental' (At-Tadarruji)
5. Raise awareness think
Get children to mean - really in learning
Intellectual Keeping Children HealthyAfter we do the teaching and awareness thinking, which in turn is tuags our intellectual health of our children. Do not expose children - our children from things - things that can damage memory improbable that weaken and undermine the capacity to think, like drinking and using drugs, smoking, watching porn or listening to a song - a song that they would rather ignore idle - lazy and not excited.

May Allah ease our job to educate them, may Allah always guide us so that the children - our children grow up to be children - children who are smart, passionate and committed and remain with his religion. AmenSo post about 'Intellectual Education', may be useful.


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