Blogger? Wordpress? What's the difference siih?
2 Although this blog platform is so popular in cyberspace, but there are still many who have not been able to distinguish clearly between Blogger and Wordpress. I was moved to make this work since we are often asked some friends through chat about whether to create a website or blog, and where better platform used. All right, let's learn-The obvious plainly not let the confused anymore because if one understands that one is also taking steps into the future.
Okay, two things that will be discussed this time, namely Blogger and WordPress. Both are the most popular services in cyberspace. But many do not know that Blogger and WordPress that 2 different forms. Let us discuss one by one.
Spoilerfor Blogger:
Blogger is a blogging service to users in the world. Keep in mind the Blogger is owned by Google Inc. since the company was taken over from Blogger developer Pyra Labs, in the near future Google plans to change its name to Google Blog that discovered who the owner of the service (very narcissistic). It is noteworthy that this is a Blogger blog service, not a CMS! Google has prepared a so call free hosting theoretically infinite, blogspot subdomains, so we stay put without the need to bother filling this plugin it. Therefore Blogger CMS not, then we can not open the code bluntly but Google unlock codes to change the look of their blogs and limited functions.
Oh yeah different ma Blogger Blogspot?
Many are asking the difference between Blogger and Blogspot. This is actually a bit of confusion. Blogger obvious is the name of the service while the blogspot domain name is the domain used by Google to a blog created in Blogger. So much better if we called Blogger as the name of the blogspot subdomain services and we will receive if you use Blogger.
Hosting how?
As I said at the beginning that in the Blogger hosting is provided by Google and is theoretically unlimited. That means no need to bother buying hosting then upload the file hosting services, not a CMS anyway Blogger and want to upload any file? but with digratiskannya hosting then we can not do anything about that later blog shut down by Google, the term currently banned. Already indications of future free places do not want to turn expelled. But Google did not drive recklessly Blogger because Blogger is usually banned in most of his violated Google's Terms Of Service Blogger.
Then, if blogging on Blogger can not use the Top Level Domai dong?
Can, why not? how ya just buy the domain continues to redirect the domain to our blogspot subdomain. For example, my blog is first located at http://www.lookj.blogspot.comsekarang already replaced so let shorter and easier to remember. But even after changing the domain has nothing to free eviction because supposing we just change the address of the house but the land and everything in it is still owned by Google, so they wrote expelled.
Redirectnya way?
Search in Google, just for starters it is advisable to buy a place guided by CSnya domain. Therefore sellers looking for a fairly large and reliable.
Now go to the Wordpress ...
Spoilerfor Wordpress:
Which always confuse people is: "WordPress is a CMS or service anyway?". Never mind who read this, I was also initially confused sempet and finally got enlightenment after hearing the explanation directly from the WordPress team Pesta Blogger.
WordPress is a CMS that was discovered by Matt Mulenweg and blogs devoted to alias functions it can do most of the blog. Hence the openness WordPress CMS is suitable for beginners as well as expert user use. For Wordpress expert is usually modified to have complex functions that can even resemble Web CMS like Joomla.
Need hosting and domain not?
When using Blogger hosting but we do not use when using WordPress CMS it is obligatory to use hosting and domain for the landless is our own. Gedenya hosting up to us because the larger the more that we can accommodate in it whether it be videos, pictures, posts, and various other files.
Can not expelled?
You may have driven if we do not timely pay hosting buy hosting because it not buy once and for all, but rather "rent hosting". So in accordance with the agreement between the seller hosting, we have to pay a few months (including the domain).
I think there continues to Wordpress service deh, bener gak?
Bener, Wordpress as a service address at is a free WordPress has also the form of a blog service such as Blogger. Wordpress facilitates user who hooked a free service and not too understand CMS. Unlike with Blogger, Wordpress is fully shut down the codes to change the look and do not allow no ads in the form of Javascript code emblazoned on our Blog. This is done to lead users use WordPress as a CMS is usually always written "if you want more you explore, download at WordPress CMS".
Continue if the make Wordpress service, could make a Top Level Domains as well?
Can donk, do the same with Blogger explanation earlier, stay redirect anyway.
After two platforms was somewhat understand this question inevitably arises:
Then ane skewer blogging where?
Hm .. yourself the responsibility for the taste of each. If I initially tried Wordpress Bloggers continue finally tried the make the two of them. Wordpressnya that the CMS you know, not because I think that all service learning aja Wordpress CMS than makeup services. While studying CMS Wordpress so many things that will surely be useful to understand and later as a service rather than the make Wordpress understand where we just write an article and add "widgets".
Nyobain both? bagusan continue where?
Can not compare it between Blogger and Wordpress as the two are not the same thing. Try turning bagusan I wonder where the same BMW Ducati Monster? do not you think? But when asked where bagusan between Blogger and then I will answer it in the service Blogger because WordPress is so limited that can be done.
Well, hear-hear for make-CMS Wordpress blog better indexed in Google, bener gak?
Not really, there are plugins in WordPress CMS is good in optimizing the position of blogs on search engines, but since the Google Panda Algorithm Now the make any make it seem not overly influence. Algorithm Google Panda algorithm is very different from previous algorithms. At nyadar it if the results are now searching much better than the first? This is because the Panda algorithm priority than optimizing content via plugins or gross ways. I used to be a blog with WordPress CMS is so easy to get page 1 Google page as many plugins to outsmart. Have you ever kept a keyword search click on the results anyway it fit to go back into the blog to search again when the article you are looking for was not there at all? nah, that use WordPress plugin that bit "naughty".
Disclaimers continue .. com or service so well? what CMS makeup?
Cobain used Wordpress continues to open deh blogdetik or kompasiana. See the third Dashboard, not the same? I'm sure if my friends going to understand if the WordPress Dashboard, Disclaimers and exactly Kompasiana
Um .. do not understand, weve how?
Gedubrak! Disclaimers and the make-CMS Wordpress kompasiana tauuuuuu ....
Whew!! Really cool like that happens?
Yes that's the Wordpress CMS in the hands of the expert.
Lastly, bagusan create web or blog?
Need dicatet yes if it is also a web blog, precisely weblog. The difference is that it functions more blog news writing sequentially according to the date, it doang. If you want cepet yes for at Blogger or If you want a little explore ya try to use CMS Wordrpess. If you want the content was really complete until the egg is no statistical applications, the sales trend charts, etc. so try to use web aja either created yourself or make-CMS like Joomla.
If it is still not clear try searching Mbah a reference to his home. Hopefully, this article is no longer a classic confusion between Blogger and Wordpress.